"Breathing is meditation; life is a meditation. You have to breathe in order to live, so breathing is how you get in touch with the sacred space of your heart."

-Willow Smith.

Breathwork Guide

My name is Hannah Cohen (she/her), and it's an honor to have you here curious to dive deeper with your breath.

My intention as an intuitive coach, trauma informed bodyworker and breathwork guide is to hold gentle, supportive and heart-centered space to facilitate expansive transformation.

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is an active meditation, in which we use the breath along with music to help the mind release and connect to the body. It is the practice of changing your breathing pattern to change your mental, emotional and physical state. 

Most Breathwork techniques involve deep belly breaths, also called slow abdominal breathing or diaphragmatic breathing which stimulates the vagus nerve and lowers our stress response and inflammation in our bodies.

Most breathwork sessions are done while lying down, in either a group or 1-on-1 setting, with music that guides the experience. I offer gentle reiki and/or bodywork to accompany breathwork if desired.

Let's work together!

3 Month Mentorship & Breathwork 

If you are ready to let go of self limiting beliefs, take control over your life, gain clarity, and feel confident and empowered to live the life you desire, this session is for you! Click here to book a discovery call now.

  • Explore your deepest desires and dreams & create a pathway toward actualizing them.
  • Reconnect, visualize and own your goals and dreams.
  • Clarify why these dreams are important to you and what it would mean to you to accomplish them. 
  • Identify the mindset blocks and how to overcome them.
  • Create an environment and rituals that supports your goals.
  • Release fear and self doubt to leap forward into your chosen steps and strategies.
  • Explore a mixture of breathwork, meditation, and somatic excersizes to create a deeper centering of self.
  • Take lots of action towards making your dreams come true.
  • Release the stories, stagnant energy, and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you.
  • Enjoy the benefits of living a life that is more aligned with who you want to be.

Private Group and Retreat Experiences:

The dynamic energy of breathing in a group is quite powerful. If you have a private group that wants to breathe together in person, a special session can be designed and delivered.  Click here to inquire!

I had a very positive and enlightening experience with Hannah for my first breathwork class. The session was accompanied by a multisensory sound bath, aromatherapy, and light Reiki to help us ease into our bodies. Hannah took time to communicate the process beforehand and check in on boundaries, and I found her presence very comforting and accepting. 


Hannah is truly one of the most present, patient and kind souls. Just being in her presence is a gift in itself. Working with her over the years has helped me connect with myself in ways I honestly could never imagine, and for that I am forever grateful. Cannot recommend her enough. 

-Anna S.

Hannah is an incredible healer who has had a profound impact on my life and personal journey.  Hannah guided me in my first ever breathwork journey with such beautiful compassion and support that I've continued to dive deeper into Self through her ongoing sessions.  Her intuitive touch during her bodywork and energy healing has also helped transform me out of states of depression and remain more in touch with my own core energy on a daily basis.  Thank you Hannah!


Hannah guided me through my first experience with breathwork and reiki. Honestly, it was mind blowing and very moving. Hannah is a gifted healer and I look forward to plugging in again to this transformative practice with her.

- James B.

I really look forward to my sessions with Hannah, knowing I'll feel comfortable as soon as I walk through the door.She shows up in her authenticity and vulnerability, which allows me to open up in the same way. This creates a space of mutual trust - conducive for healing, flow, and allowing whatever needs to come through. I leave our sessions feeling open, renewed, and ready to venture back out into the world. She is certainly talented at what she does, and I'm grateful to have found her!
- Yahav

Georgia and I haven't felt that connected to one another, or ourselves, in a long time. It was such a meaningful experience. Thanks for everything.

- A & G

My first session felt like 6 cognitive behavioral therapy sessions rolled into one. Powerful.
